Environmentally Safe Silicone Mold Release No.44312
*Bulk orders of 95 lbs and above (7 aerosol cases and above) must request a quote at checkout in order to receive freight shipping rates and discounted pricing.
The E/S mold release formula is a breakthrough in lubrication. Effective in many applications, especially on molds 212°F and above, it is an excellent “wet” silicone lubricant for many applications. It’s a great mold release for environmentally conscious companies.
- No chlorinated solvents
- Food-approved lubricant(++)
- Non-flammable*
- Maximum operating temperature: 600ºF
Download MSDS
(++) Lubricants are suitable for food contact use as indicated in Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations. The appropriate sections for release agents are 175.300, 177.2600, 178.3570 and 181.28. Federal Definitions and Standards of identity for Food CFR 121.101 (G.R.A.S.).
*When used as directed. Shake can well before using.